God has a plan for this generation. Like you, we can get overwhelmed with the evil we see. The enemy of God has infiltrated every area of society.
Americans spend an average of 10 hours per day being discipled by the lies of the enemy through arts, media, and entertainment. It is time for us to take them back.
God is first known to us as the creator of heaven and earth. And we are called to be like Him.
Creative. We are called to be creators. Our Creative courses give you the skills to help you create content that will disciple the nations with the truth of God.
Ywam's international motto is to "Know God and to Make Him Known." Our courses help you to do just that. Our Ministry Courses help you to Know God and discover who He created you to be so that you can do your destiny. Our Creative Courses help give you the skills and abilities to Make God Known through the arts, media, and entertainment. Our Leadership Courses help you to successfully do your destiny and equip you to lead and communicate with confidence so that others can Know God and Make Him Known.
Courses are taught through written material, prerecorded video, and/or prerecorded audio teaching, therefore course content is available for you to read, watch, or listen to, whenever works best for your schedule.
Start an online Creative Class today!